About the Journal

Sciencebox.uz – порталининг навбатдаги журнали Бошқарув ва Этика Қоидалари онлайн илмий журнали (ISSN - 2181-2616)” деб номланади. Журнал жамият тараққиётининг муҳим факторларидан бири бўлган бошқарув ва этика каби йўналишда олиб борилаётган сўнгги тадқиқот натижаларини эълон қилиш учун мўлжалланган. Бошқарувнинг замонавий қонун қоидалари, бошқарув соҳасидаги ишланмалар ва унинг жамият тараққиётига қўшадиган ҳиссаси каби масалалар тадқиқи журналнинг асосий объектини ташкил этади. Ушбу журнал ОАК умум эътироф этган базалар рўйхатдан ўтган. Журналнинг 7.3 импакт факторга тенг кўрилган. Шунинг билан бирга журнал этика масалалари тадқиқига доир илмий изланиш натижалари ҳам эълон қилинади. Журналда эълон қилинган мақолалар нуфузли халқаро базаларда индексланади. Бу эса сизнинг илмий ишингиз натижаларини халқаро миқёсида тақдим этиш ва бу орқали иқтибослик ва Хирш индексни ошириш имконини тақдим этади.

Журналга мақолалар халқаро умум эътироф этилган талаблар асосида қабул қилинади. Яъни, тақдим этилаётган мақола кириш, адабиётлар таҳлили, асосий қисм, хулоса ва фойдаланилган адабиётлар каби қисмлардан иборат бўлиши мақсадга мувофиқ.


The SYNERGY: JOURNAL OF ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE is issued by Science Box LLC in Uzbekistan. Journal is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal that aims to encourage and promote the study of synergetic implementation and combination of governance from a wide range of scholarly areas and perspectives, reflecting the diversity of approaches characteristic of this field of research. SYNERGY: JOURNAL OF ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE publishes articles in English, Russian and Uzbek, to encourage the bridging of the gap between research scholars from all over the world. Journal is principally dedicated to the publication of original papers from both academia and young scholars with perspective ideas and community-based masterpieces. The journal publishes, promotes, and provides research analyses and investigations while handling monthly full proceedings and certificates to each author as a whole.

SYNERGY: JOURNAL OF ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE is organized as the world becomes increasingly dominated by interconnected corporations alongside increasing demands for transparency and accountability, business governance is no longer just about running companies and organizations efficiently, but about managing wider responsibilities. Government administrative officials, company directors, and managers need to use synergy features to move beyond governance concerns that deal with their functional responsibilities towards understanding how their personal values and actions affect the organizations they lead, and how in turn these affect local and global communities. SYNERGY: JOURNAL OF ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE provides a professional forum to address these issues while making open access points available to share ideas and points as a whole. Journal has been listed in many reputable databases and it has been indexed with 7.3 Impact Factor by I.F.S.I.F.
Journal accepts the following points :

  • Philosophies, theories, governance structures
  • Composition, tasks, behaviors, effectiveness of Boards
  • Selection, remuneration, motivation of Boards/Executives
  • Legal/statutory requirements of Boards
  • Values, actions, and behaviors of business leaders
  • Strategies for effective stakeholder governance
  • Stakeholder accounting/measurement of business actions
  • Ethics of business actions, values/assumptions of business
  • Social/societal implications of corporate wealth, power, domination
  • Reconciling employee/business/community rights
  • Government-business relationships and public accountability
  • Challenge of ownership and responsibility