
  • Fozilova Nozila Inoyatilloyevna Department of ENT Organs in Anatomy at Alfraganus University


ear, organ, inner ear, middle ear, outer ear, ear pain, symptoms


The human ear is a complex and functional organ. It not only allows us to hear sounds and speech, but also helps us navigate in space, maintain coordination of movements, determine where the sound is coming from, activates the cerebral cortex and brain centers in it. Hearing is an important sense for communication, but more often we become aware of it only when it deteriorates or is lost altogether.


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How to Cite

Inoyatilloyevna, F. N. . (2024). EAR AND ITS FEATURES. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 3(4), 27–29. Retrieved from https://sciencebox.uz/index.php/amaltibbiyot/article/view/10225