Health State of Workers of Cotton Enterprises, Structure of Diseases, Influence of Age and Work Experience


  • Ibrohimov K. I. Bukhara State Medical Institute,


Cotton intake, age, length of service, health status, morbidity, risk factors, temporary incapacity for work


the article examines the health status of workers of the cotton receiving enterprise, age and length of service characteristics of the spread of diseases, includes information on requests for medical assistance and periodical medical examinations of 150 workers in the main departments of the cotton receiving enterprise. Among the diseases of the workers, it was shown that diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the nervous system took the leading place. In the conclusion of the article, the prediction of the risk of developing different classes of diseases depending on the age and length of work experience makes it possible to develop the most effective preventive measures.




How to Cite

K. I., I. (2022). Health State of Workers of Cotton Enterprises, Structure of Diseases, Influence of Age and Work Experience. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 55–59. Retrieved from