Hygienic Assessment of the Working Conditions of Workers of Carpet Weaving Enterprises


  • Zhumaeva A. A. "Bukhara State Medical Institute" Bukhara. Uzbekistan


Carpet weaving, peoples of Central Asia, patterns, carpet production


This article discusses the carpet weaving of the peoples of Central Asia. The analysis of carpet weaving as one of the oldest types of arts and crafts is carried out. The development of the technique of carpet weaving of the peoples of Central Asia and the peculiarities of the manufacture of carpets of various types are described.




How to Cite

A. A., Z. (2022). Hygienic Assessment of the Working Conditions of Workers of Carpet Weaving Enterprises. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 132–136. Retrieved from https://sciencebox.uz/index.php/amaltibbiyot/article/view/3913