Modern Methods of Medical Research


  • Kamalova Malika Ilhomovna D. candidate of medical sciences, assistant of the department of human anatomy Samarkand State Medical University
  • Ashirov Farrukhbek Azamat ugli Student of medical faculty, Samarkand State Medical University
  • Muradova Aziza Utkir kizi Medical student, Samarkand State Medical University Samarkand State Medical University


methods of functional and structural diagnostics, ultrasound investigation, tomography


The more accurate and early the correct diagnosis is, the more effective the treatment will be and the sooner the person will recover. Therefore, informative diagnosis has always been important for doctors. Science does not stand still and methods of laboratory, functional and structural diagnostics are constantly being improved, which qualitatively changes approaches and the effectiveness of treatment of various pathologies.




How to Cite

Ilhomovna, K. M. ., ugli, A. F. A. ., & kizi, M. A. U. . (2023). Modern Methods of Medical Research. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(2), 133–136. Retrieved from