Features of the Course of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Children


  • Ruziev Zarif Mukhamadeevich Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Iron deficiency anemia (WAIT) is an acquired disease from the group of deficiency anemia; accompanied by microcytic, hypochromic, normoregenerative anemia; clinically manifested by a combination of sideropenic and anemic syndromes. IDA includes the following nosological forms having the corresponding codes of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health-Related Problems, 10th revision (ICD-10): IDA (D50), chronic posthemorrhagic anemia (D50.0), anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period (O99.0).




How to Cite

Ruziev Zarif Mukhamadeevich. (2023). Features of the Course of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Children. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(5), 266–269. Retrieved from https://sciencebox.uz/index.php/amaltibbiyot/article/view/7229