Hygienic Assessment Micronutrient Composition of the Diet Women Engaged in Mental Work


  • Olimova Dildora Vohidovna Assistant of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Bukhara State Medical Institute




In the context of scientific and technological progress, a change in the nature of the labor activity of large groups of the population, which led to an increase in the number of people engaged in mental work, a feature of which is a significant neuropsychic and emotional stress of the body, leading primarily to changes in the functional state of the central nervous system, organs feelings and emotional sphere [1].




How to Cite

Vohidovna, O. D. (2022). Hygienic Assessment Micronutrient Composition of the Diet Women Engaged in Mental Work. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 17–19. Retrieved from https://sciencebox.uz/index.php/amaltibbiyot/article/view/3888